Daytime Nap is not a Good Habit

Daytime Nap After Meals: Is it a Good Habit?

According to Ayurveda, a daytime nap is not a good habit. This can lead to an imbalance between Kapha and Pitta dosha. This imbalance can affect the body’s optimum functioning, leading to Kapha aggravation, swellings, heaviness, reduced metabolism, obstructive channels, inflammation, obesity, etc.

What Does Ayurveda Say About Daytime Nap After Meals?

Sleeping during the day increases Kapha in your body. If you are obese, or someone who is not doing much of the physical exercise through the day or are generally the lethargic types or are kapha body type then its best you skip napping during the day.

Who can sleep during the daytime?

Ayurveda recommends sleeping only after 1-1.5hr post meals. Walk for 100 steps post meals and lie down in left lateral position. Sleeping on the left side complements the digestion process.

Who can take daytime nap after meals

daytime nap after studying.
daytime nap after studying

People who are tired after studying, or who have indulged in any kind of heavy activity or long-distance travelling, old age and children who are underweight and undernourished body can sleep during the day.

Note: Ayurvedic principles mention how sleeping in the afternoon can assist in gaining weight for those who are underweight or malnourished. Therefore, a simple 20-minute nap helps. It enables you to better digest food and efficiently use its nutritional qualities.


People who are dominated by Vata benefit the most from some calming power nap time. An afternoon nap increases pitta as well as kapha in the body, balancing all the doshas.

Read: Pitta Dosha Imbalance: How to Keep this in Balance?

a 20-minute power nap time keeps you energized. It helps your body relax and easily glide through the rest of the day.
A 20-minute power nap to get you energized.

When you are suffering from diseases, you happen to feel more fatigued. In such cases, a 20-minute power nap time keeps you energized. It helps your body relax and easily glide through the rest of the day.

A power nap of time 20-30 minutes is recommended.  Sleeping for longer or shorter than what’s needed can make you feel lethargic as well as agitated. A longer nap would disrupt night sleep, whereas a shorter nap would keep you feeling tired.

Not Recommended

People dominated with kapha as well as pitta with sedentary lifestyle, or obesity, thyroid or diabetes should avoid daytime sleeping.

Learn: 8 Ways to Stay Active All Day 

If you are really tired, then a nap in sitting posture is good as that doesn’t aggravate kapha dosha so much. But sleep only after 1-1.5hr post meals. Walk for 100 steps post meals.

Ayurveda recommends afternoon nap during summers

Ayurvedic research have shown that an increase in Vata during summers dries several channels of the body. But the production of kapha as well pitta during this time lubricates the body. So daytime nap is recommended only in summertime.

Strictly Contradicted in

  • Who have Kapha predominance or vitiation
  • who have unctuous food daily
  • who have indigestion issues
  • who are obese
  • spring season.

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