Daily Supplement Routine

Daily Supplement Routine: 5 Self Help Tricks That Works

Daily Supplement Routine helps you with your Health and Wellness Goals!

You invest in supplements and then with much enthusiasm you create a routine for yourself to have these supplements but in just 3 days all routine goes for the toss and slowly you become forgetful and then when you finally remember, you realize its closing to the expiry date. If this is the case, you’re not alone. 

Sticking to a routine is never easy, especially when it requires doing something every day. But you can achieve your goals with these simple tricks and tips to stick to your supplement routine.

Daily Supplement Routine: Organize Your Vitamins and Minerals
Daily Supplement Routine: Organize Your Vitamins and Minerals

Daily Supplement Routine

5 Self Care Tricks That Can Help You Form a Habit for your Wellness Goals!

Place them where you can see them

Most of the time many things we tend to forget because, “out of sight, out of mind.” You need to place your vitamins strategically in locations where it’s in your sight at that time of the day. For example if you need to have that with breakfast, best is to place it on your dining table or place where you eat your breakfast. Stick your supplements in your line of sight for a daily reminder. 

So the best places to store your supplements are next to your bed, on your desk, in the kitchen, and even in your car. 

Your Daily Routines Can Help You Form a Habit.

Combine your daily routines with your supplement routine. Already daily routines are consistent with your habits. So say after brushing your teeth in the morning, you can have your probiotic supplement will help you form a habit and will be beneficial for your gut health. Stomach acid production is likely at its lowest in the morning, and probiotics can make it into your small and large intestines before breakfast.

With breakfast incorporate your morning multivitamins. In lunch while plating, include your supplements on the plate. In the night, before you catch up with your updates on social media, remember to take your magnesium supplements, which plays an important role in your nervous system. It helps to quiet and calm you and relieve anxiety and depression that can interfere with sleep. 

Checkout: 7 Daily Habits That Drain or Retain Your Energy

Set a reminder

Use technology not just to disrupt your life but to actually benefit you. Setting your daily alarms on your smart watch or your mobile is a great thing. Keep your routine consistent by taking your vitamins at the same time every day. Being consistent for 7days will slowly develop into a habit which seamlessly will become part of your routine.

Use an app

Checkout free apps on the app store for your pill reminder. These apps are apt for sending you notifications, when it’s time to take your supplement. You can also track your daily schedule of taking and missing your supplement.

Double up on bottles

One of the common problems with working people is that they get into a routine during the week when they are working, they tend to forget to take their supplements on the weekend when their schedule is a little different. So the best possible solution is to stack your supplements in 2 bottles, one you can keep at the office and the other in your house. This simple trick saves you to remember to bring the bottle around with you between work and home.

These simple yet effective tricks can do wonders to your health. So be motivated and follow these simple tricks to take your supplements daily.

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