Tulsi Leaves Benefits: The Queen of Herbs

Tulsi leaves benefits people, to get rid of a variety of health issues, including fever and kidney stones. The magical herb is a stimulant, antipyretic, and aromatic.

Tulsi has both medicinal and spiritual properties. It’s an elixir of life that, when consumed on a daily basis, provides numerous health benefits, including immunity boost.

Tulsi Leaves-The Queen of Herbs

Tulsi (Holy Basil) is highly regarded as a sacrosanct plant and therefore is referred to as “mother medicine of nature,” and “the queen of herbs” in Ayurveda. Tulsi’s life-enhancing properties have been mentioned numerous times in ancient Indian scriptures dating back over 5,000 years.

Tulsi is highly regarded as a goddess in Hinduism, as well as every part of the Tulsi plant is revered and considered sacred, including the leaves, stem, flower, root, seeds, and oil. Every Hindu household has a Holy Basil plant, which is sacramental.

Tulsi Leaves Health Benefits

Holy basil is used to treat common ailments in the ancient Ayurveda healthcare system.

DIY Care with Tulsi

  1. Paste of tulsi leaves when applied on inflamed areas helps to reduce pain and inflammation. It is beneficial on skin rashes, ringworm affected areas and insect bites.
  2. Make a smooth paste of tulsi leaves and apply it on acne and pimple to see effective results.
  3. Fresh tulsi juice mixed with ginger and honey helps to reduce cough and cold.
  4. Tulsi leaves decoction is very beneficial in fevers like dengue and malaria.
  5. Gargling with tulsi tea or decoction helps to reduce throat pain and mouth ulcers.
  6. Regular consumption of Tulsi leaves help to control diabetes and blood cholesterol.
Healthy Tulsi Tea

Holy basil has a calming effect on our minds and induces relaxation while providing sustainable, lasting energy. 

Tulsi has also been shown to counter metabolic stress through normalization of blood glucose, blood pressure and lipid levels, and psychological stress through positive effects on memory and cognitive function and through its anxiolytic and anti-depressant properties.
Source: Tulsi – Ocimum sanctum: A herb for all reasons – PMC – NCBI

Did you know Giloy is a must have medicinal plant in your garden?

Giloy/Gaduchi is a miraculous ancient herb also known as ‘Amrita’, which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality’ or ‘nectar’ that lends its name to the plant. Native to India, it is considered to be a divine herb used in Indian medicine for ages.

Giloy is an anti ageing herb and it improves digestion, treats all types of fever, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, asthma, pcos, skin problems, heals even the worst type of wounds that does not heal for a long time and it improves the general health.

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