Why Acidity is so Common & Antacids are not a Good Solution?

Acidity is not Normal & Antacids are not a Good Solution?

Acidity is not Normal

Acidity is not normal & eating antacids is not a solution. Regular dependency on antacids to combat the acidity can cause many side effects. Understand the causes of acidity and make changes in your dietary habits along with mindful eating, good sleep and lifestyle management to overcome this problem. Also following simple home remedies can help you ease the symptoms of acid reflux and constant heartburn.

Let’s find out the common causes of Acidity and Remedial Measures to Combat the Heartburn Symptoms.

What is Acidity?

Acidity is a condition that is caused due to excess production of acid. The acid is produced by the glands of the stomach.

Acidity causes signs such as burning sensation in the stomach, gastric inflammation, heartburn, and dyspepsia.

Causes of Acidity

Some of the common causes of acidity/acid reflux:

  • Overeating/large meals
  • Long gaps between meals
  • High stress levels/anger
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Excessive consumption of tea/coffee
  • Medications
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Overconsumption of alcohol & smoking

Why are Antacids not a good option?

Antacids may provide instant and temporary relief. But antacids are not addressing the root cause. Regular consumption can deplete vitamin b12, vitamin C and magnesium in the body leading to deficiency. 

Many antacids —contain calcium, magnesium, or aluminium. If you take too much or take them for longer than directed, you would be overloading the body with these substances that could cause: nausea, constipation or diarrhoea.

Lastly, antacids will mess with the balance of your digestive system, and balance is the key to keeping your gut happy. Maybe next time, instead of taking an antacid, take a probiotic.

Four Ways to Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Acidity can be managed with dietary modification, mindful eating, mindful habits and simple natural remedies.

Acidity is not Normal. Eat foods that can help with acid reflux.
Foods that can help with acid reflux
Dietary Changes
  • Dietary management is crucial and it takes time. Regular meal timings helps your body and stomach remember when they will get food and they will perform accordingly by producing acid uniformly.
  • Avoid sugary, spicy, oily and processed foods.
  • Eat a healthy wholesome plant based fibre rich diet.
  • Don’t combine fruits and main meals. Always maintain a 30-45 minutes gap.
  • Eat fresh home cooked food mostly.
  • Avoid irritants like tea, coffee, alcohol, and packaged foods.
Mindful Eating
  • Always eat in a comfortable sitting posture
  • Take deep breaths prior to meals
  • Chew thoroughly
  • Eat without any distractions.
  • Eat according to the season.
  • Listen to your body and stop when it gives you fullness cues.
Mindful Habits


Keep yourself well hydrated throughout the day. Include at least one litre of water along with fruits in your diet. You may also include cucumber, buttermilk, lassi, coconut water, lemon chia water, herbal teas, and fruit infused water. Hydration is essential to flush out toxins and keep your body in alkaline state and combat extra acid formation in the body.


Mindful habits with good sleeping habits are very essential to keep the digestion healthy.  Following the ayurveda circadian sleep cycle helps your digestive functions be healthy. Disturbances and late night sleep are the causes of mood disorders, stress, anxiety and thus vulnerability to acidity.

Healthy Body Weight

Exercising is a critical factor to keep your body and mind in a healthy state. Moderate and low impact exercises in daily regime is quite beneficial for combating acidity. Involvement in activities like walking, light jogging, yoga and being active throughout the day are essential to maintain healthy body weight and active body processes.

Natural Home Remedies

  • Cumin Seeds/powder: Chew raw cumin seeds to alleviate acidity. Drink cumin seed water made by boiling one teaspoon cumin in a 1 litre of water until reduced to half and drink this lukewarm throughout the day.
  • Buttermilk: It’s a holistic drink in Ayurveda. Having this after lunch neutralises the acid formation due to wrong or heavy meals. Adding a pinch of black pepper, saunth powder, cumin powder along with a few coriander leaves is a good post meal digestive drink.
  • Sabja seeds also known as basil seeds is an excellent coolant for the body. If the heartburn is due to excessive heat in the body then 15min soaked sabja seeds added to water is a natural reliever of burning sensation. Drinking 2-3 times a day helps with the symptoms.
  • Fennel seeds make a post-meal refreshment! It has a cooling effect on the body and aids in good digestion and metabolism. Have post meal fennel tea to relieve flatulence or bloating. Place 1 tsp of fennel seeds in a cup and pour hot water over it. Cover and steep for 5-10 minutes and then drink.
  • Ajwain/Carom seeds powder along with small pc of ginger can be boiled for 5-10min and can be taken after straining to provide instant relief.


Acidity may be a common problem but it’s not to be ignored. A conscious approach to good eating and mindful lifestyle habits is required to manage acidity in the right way. Popping on antacids would never be a good alternative to overcome acidity. Ignoring acidity can lead to other severe conditions so make a change now!


Home Remedies for Digestive Health

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