Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water (Ayurveda Perspective)

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water has many Health Benefits.
Drinking warm water enhances your digestion. Stimulates hunger, soothes the throat, cleanses the bladder. It pulls out and flushes’s the metabolic toxin from a body. Sipping warm water throughout the day helps in weight loss.

“The digestive fire in the intestines (jataragni) is the root of all the digestive fires in the body. As it causes the increase or decrease of the elemental and tissue digestive fires it should be treated with great care.” – Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita

Ayurveda considers that the health of the digestive system is at the center of optimum health. An undigested meal leaves discomfort. Ayurveda teaches you the way to enhance your digestion and digest all your experiences! 

Agni digests this food and the control centers in the brain are nourished by these fragrant “vapors”. This nourishment releases the nervous impulses, which in turn release enzymes and hormones. This stimulates systemic metabolic activity so that the whole body-mind complex functions efficiently.

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water
10 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Understand the Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

So as per Ayurveda’s view, it’s important to drink lukewarm water. Cold water slows down the digestive system and thus hinders absorption, assimilation, metabolism, and digestion. As a result incompletely or undigested food that moves through the digestive system, may or may not be eliminated properly. As a result, you may feel heavy, tired, and bloated. Proper elimination is essential to prevent the build-up of waste material in the intestine since such a build-up creates toxins and stops foods from being merged with the body.

Warm water stimulates hunger, supports good digestion, soothes the throat, cleanses the bladder, reduces hiccups, and soothes the increased Vata and Kapha. It quiets characteristics of breathlessness, fevers as well as cold and cough. It pulls out and flushes’s AMA, the metabolic toxin from a body.

Benefits Of Drinking Water | Alkaline Body

Sipping warm water throughout the day and after meals with a gap of 1-2 hours helps in effective digestion and can help for the elimination of toxic accumulations from the body’s nervous system. Some of the health benefits of drinking hot or lukewarm water are:

  1. Enhanced Stamina And Performance.
  2. Improves Blood Circulation.
  3. Increase Perspiration.
  4. Stimulate your Digestive Tract and Improve your Digestion.
  5. Aid In Weight Loss.
  6. Helps In Cleansing And Purifying Of The Body.
  7. Works For Cold And Cough.
  8. Reduces Body Pain.
  9. Develops Emotional Responses And Thoughts.
  10. Stimulate calming effect on your central nervous system. 

According to Ayurveda if you drink warm water, you can purify your mind and body and acquire a balanced mental state. This equilibrium can help to keep your thoughts clear, which may lead to bettered overall health.

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