Apple Cinnamon Detox Water

Apple Cinnamon Detox Water to Boost Metabolism

Apple Cinnamon Detox Water is an excellent remedy to flush toxins out of your body and boost metabolism. Apples contain pectin that bonds to the heavy toxic metals in your system to let them flushed from your body with ease and thus helps your liver to function better.

Apples are a good source of antioxidants, fiber, water, and several nutrients. Apples contribute to feeling of fullness and reduced calorie intake. Combining this detox water with cinnamon powder helps in losing weight faster, especially belly fat. Cinnamon suppresses appetite, regulates blood sugar levels and speeds up metabolism.

Apple Cinnamon Detox Water to Lose Belly Fat
Apple Cinnamon Detox Water to Lose Belly Fat

Include Apple Cinnamon Detox Water in your daily regime to boost metabolism and lose belly fat.

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Apple Cinnamon Detox Water Recipe

Makes 2 liters

  • 1 apple, thinly sliced
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Water

Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher (save a few for your glass later). Add the cinnamon stick. Top it with water preferably at room temperature. Place it overnight or let it infuse for atleast 2-3 hours before consuming.

Once the water is down to 1/4 full, you may refill with water. You can do this several times to keep the flavor. You may store this water in the fridge if its hot climate in your region. Everyday make fresh Detox water for consumption.

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You can also try:

Hot Apple Cinnamon Tea Recipe, especially for cold weather and effective weight loss

One of the most healthy and effective way to lose weight is to drink Apple Cinnamon Tea.

Apples are an excellent source of vitamin C, and contain a plant compound called polyphenol, which can have many health benefits including lowering blood pressure and stroke risk.

Makes 1 teapot

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 apple, thinly sliced 
  • 1 slice ginger (optional)

Cup method: Add all ingredients to cup and top with hot water. Let it infuse for 10-15minutes and consume. Best is to have after meals or before sleeping.

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