Bhringraj Ayurvedic Herb for the Hair

Bhringraj Ayurvedic Herb, Natural Hair Tonic

Bhringraj is a quintessential Ayurvedic Herb for the healthy hair growth and helps maintain the hair’s natural color and luster. It is one of the best rejuvenatives for pitta, promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth, and a clear complexion. 

Bhringraj Ayurvedic Herb

  • Supports healthy hair growth
  • Promotes natural hair color and luster
  • Promotes healthy skin, bones, teeth, sight, hearing, and memory
  • Supports proper function of the liver and lungs


Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) is famous in India for its use as a natural hair tonic. A primary ingredient in most Ayurvedic hair oils, bhringraj promotes strong, healthy hair growth and helps maintain the hair’s natural color and luster. It is one of the best rejuvenatives for pitta, and has a special affinity for the head. Bhringaraj promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth, and a clear complexion. It calms the mind, bolsters the memory, and supports healthy eyes and ears. Bhringaraj is also an excellent liver cleanser and supports proper function of the lungs.

Suggested Use:
¼ to ½ teaspoon with warm water, once or twice daily, or as directed by your health practitioner.

Please consult with your health care practitioner prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of the reach of children.

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Himalayan Organics Bhringraj Oil for Hair Growth

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