Back Pain Attack

Back Pain Attack | Self Help Tips for Pain Relief

Back pain attack is an acute pain that comes suddenly and intensely. This back pain attack can be a result of a poor posture, muscle overuse or lifting heavy stuff. At times prolonged sitting or lying in in an uncomfortable position for a long time can result into severe muscle spasms. This pain attack can hurt like crazy for several days. Simple self help tips can help you get relief from your back pain.

Self Help Tips for Back Pain Attack

Get off your Feet!
Your back will thank you for it. The first thing you should do is get some bed rest.

Put your Pain on Ice..
The best way to cool down an acute pain is with ice. For best results try ice massage. Put an ice pack on the site of the pain and massage the spot for 7 to 8 minutes. Do this for a day or two.

Try Medvice 2 Reusable Hot and Cold Ice Packs for Injuries, Joint Pain, Muscle Soreness and Body Inflammation – Reusable Gel Wraps – Adjustable & Flexible for Knees, Back, Shoulders, Arms and Legs

Try some Heat Relief..
After the first day or two of ice switch to heat. Take a soft towel and put it in basin of very warm water. Lie chest down with pillows under your hips and ankles and fold the towel across the painful part of your back. Heating pads also works wonder for reducing muscle spasms.

Note: use heat and cold methods that includes 30min of ice, and 30 min of heat to ease pain faster.

Stretch to smooth a Spasm
Stretching helps the muscle to relax and ease. You may gently bring your knees up from bed and to your chest, and put a little pressure on your knees to stretch, and then relax.

Roll out of Bed
When you roll out of bed do it carefully and slowly. You can minimise the pain of getting out of bed by sliding to the edge of the bed. Once there keep your back rigid and then let your legs come off the bed first. That motion will act like a springboard, lifting your upper body straight up off the bed.

Systematic relaxation
Spend 10 minutes doing a systematic relaxation in savasana (corpse pose) instead. This practice can reduce muscle spasms, relieve tension, and calm the mind naturally.

Guided Savasana

Car Seat Comfort
Does your back drives you crazy every time you buckle up? it could be that what you’re sitting on the seat of your problem. Adjust lumbar support and adjust the support down as low as it goes. Buy a cushion of high resiliency foam.

Recommended: ComfiLife Gel Enhanced Seat Cushion – Non-Slip Orthopedic Gel & Memory Foam Coccyx Cushion for Tailbone Pain – Office Chair Car Seat Cushion – Sciatica & Back Pain Relief

Heal with Diet
Food is a powerful healer, too. Follow a vata-pacifying diet of warm, moist, mildly spiced, nourishing foods for a month and see if it makes a difference. The sweet, salty, and sour tastes are all vata pacifying—just make sure you find natural, healthy sources of sweets (like ripe plums, pears, or dates) and don’t overdo. Overeating aggravates vata.

Relieving Pain That Lasts and Lasts
For some people, back pain is a part of everyday life. For whatever reason, it just lingers on and on for what can seem like an eternity. Some suffer from recurring pain: and little movement can set in motion. This is called chronic pain.

In the ayurvedic treatment, regular oil massage, or snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments. Massage helps reduce pain because it tames vata, allays joint and muscle stiffness, increases circulation, mobilizes toxins, and relaxes the body. Find a qualified therapist to work with once a month. (Once a week would be even better.) If money is tight, simply give yourself an oil massage daily.

Indulge in Gentle Asanas
Pain can discourage us from stretching and moving the way we normally do, but restricting your movement will only compound the problem. Toxins accumulate where there is stagnation and congestion in the body, and this causes pain. Contracting and relaxing our muscles with gentle asanas relieves the stagnation by mobilizing blood, lymph, and synovial fluid. Even 15 minutes of stretching every morning or evening will make a world of difference.

Here are 11 poses to help with back pain that you can do anywhere.

11 poses to help with back pain attack
11 poses to help with back pain

Studies show that the essential oils of rosemary and thyme increase blood flow to muscles and create warmth, while peppermint and myrtle have temporary painkilling effects. Sprinkle a few drops into an aromatherapy diffuser, a hot bath, or your massage oil—and enjoy. (If you’re using essential oils on your skin, test first before applying broadly.)

Related: 9 Essential Oils for Back Pain and How to Use Them

Turmeric and ginger help reduce inflammatory pain, while valerian, kava kava, chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, hops, and jatamansi (the “Indian valerian”) help combat tension-related pain. And since chronic pain is often a combination of inflammation and tension, these herbs are often sold in combination formulas. They’re available online and at many health-food stores. 5 Anti-Inflammatory Food to Fight Inflammation

You may also like to read: Pressotherapy: Lymphatic Drainage to Eliminate Toxins

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