The Herb Rosemary Benefits

The Herb Rosemary Benefits, Wonder Herb for Longevity

The Herb Rosemary Benefits

Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb native to the Mediterranean. It is used as a culinary condiment, to make bodily perfumes, and for its potential health benefits. Rosemary is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae, along with many other herbs, such as oregano, thyme, basil, and lavender.

Uses for Rosemary Herb
Rosemary as a culinary condiment

Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Laboratory studies have shown rosemary to be rich in antioxidants, which play an important role in neutralizing harmful particles called free radicals.

Rosemary Herb

Uses for Rosemary Herb

The herb contains substances that are useful for improving digestion and increasing circulation.

Fresh tender tops of Rosemary are used for garnishing and flavoring cold drinks, soups, pickles and other foods, while leaves are used as a condiment.

Rosemary can be dried and powdered and added to cooked food for garnishing and as a preservative for certain food items.

Rosemary has been relished as a natural flavoring agent in Mediterranean cuisines too.

A tea made of the herb is a good natural remedy for improving mental agility. It is even said that when crushed rosemary leaves are inhaled with closed eyes, the mind becomes clear as the vapor courses through the brain cells.

It can be added to warm bathing water as a classic relaxant, as it treats physical weariness and a lethargic attitude and helps in handling mood fluctuations.

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A lotion can be prepared from rosemary leaves by simmering them in water for 30 minutes, straining and cooling, and they can be used as final hair rinse.

When used as an essential oil, Rosemary is excellent tonic for skin and hair, augments memory, fights depression, fear and fatigue.

Rosemary Herb Health Benefits

Memory booster

Rosemary, in India is found in the Himalayas and Nigiri hills that have dry to moist climate. Rosemary has long been considered as the herb for remembrance. It symbolizes loyalty, love and immortality, as it was believed to strengthen the heart and memory. It is considered an antidote to mental fatigue and forgetfulness.

Improves digestion

Rosemary plant is useful in cases of atonic dyspepsia, related to indigestion and stiffness in the stomach. It particularly helps in digestion of starchy food, lima beans and rich meats. It is also used to relieve flatulence.

Rosemary the Herb Health Benefits
Rosemary – the wonder herb for longevity

For common cold

Rosemary oil induces copious perspiration, and hence, is beneficial when mixed with hot water and taken as a drink during cold and chills. The emulsion is also used as a gargle to cure sore throat. The oil shows antibacterial activity.


Rosemary oil is used for vapour baths when treating rheumatism.

Heart Tonic

A few drops of Rosemary oil are taken internally as a heart stimulant. A tincture prepared by mixing rosemary in alcohol is used as a circulatory and cardiac stimulant.

For depression

Rosemary essential oil is not only known to boost brain power, but is also recognized for instilling positive feelings. Its stimulating and anti-depressant properties checks stress related disorders, nervous exhaustion, depression, fatigue and anxiety.

Several Illnesses

Rosemary essential oil can heal several illnesses including dental problems, respiratory disorders, inflammation and pain, urinary problems, gastrointestinal troubles and weak immune system.

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