Grow Thick Hair Naturally

Grow Thick Hair Naturally with Betel Leaves(Paan ka Patta)

Grow thick hair naturally with magical betel leaves hair recipe. Betel leaves are rich in vitamin C and have a lot of beauty benefits.

In Indian culture, it is used as an auspicious leaf and is used in the religious ceremonies. It is also eaten as paan after meals as it eases digestion, reduces bloating of stomach, relieves constipation and destroys intestinal parasites.

Betel leaves is an effective natural hair care remedy and is used in Ayurveda practice for hair fall-related issues. You can make your very own go-to hair fall remedy with betel leaves to make an anti-hairfall hair mask. Here are some ways in which this heart shaped leaf can help in quick hair growth.

Grow Thick Hair Naturally with Betel Leaves Hair Pack
Grow Thick Hair Naturally with Betel Leaves Hair Pack

Betel Leaves Hair Fall Remedy

  1. Betel leaves are used for hair fall-related issues. You can grind some betel leaves with sesame oil to make an anti-hairfall hair mask. Apply this paste to all sections of your scalp and leave it on for an hour. Wash it off using a mild shampoo and towel dry your hair.
  2. Betel leaves (paan patta) can be grinded and mixed with Gingery (Til) oil or mixed with Coconut oil and applied on the scalp before taking bath helps to overcome hair fall problem.
Coconut Oil Perfect Skin and Hair Therapy

Benefits Of Betel Leaves

According to Ayurveda, betel leaves are known to treat issues like hair fall. Using betel leaves regularly helps in quick hair growth. They condition the hair and make your hair thick and long. It also helps in treating issues like itchiness, dandruff, and split ends. It also helps in frizzy and dull hair.

To add more benefits to your hair remedies with betel leaves, add hibiscus leaves or curry leaves as you get amino acids that are helpful in the nourishment of hair. Regular use of betel leaves makes the hair roots stronger and healthier.

Grow Thick Hair Naturally with Magical Betel Hair Growth Recipe

Magical Hair Growth Treatment

Betel Leaves Hair Pack

Not just hair loss or hair fall, betel leaves can also be used to treat your other hair woes. For healthy hair, try this homemade pack. 

You Will Need:

  • Curry Leaves
  • Hibiscus Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Betel Leaves 
  • Coconut Oil


In an iron vessel, add coconut oil. When the oil is warm, add torn hibiscus leaves, basil leaves, curry leaves, betel leaves, and cook on low flame till the oil changes its colour. Switch off the flame and then let it cool. Strain and apply on your hair. Keep the oil for at least 2 hours and then wash with a mild shampoo. Do follow with a conditioner. 

Hair Care Recipes

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