Not so Known Health Benefits of Mint Herb | Pudina

Mint Leaves
Mint Leaves

Mint/Pudina in Ayurveda is a herb which arouses the senses and decongests the orifices of our head. It is aromatic menthol and rich in many chemicals, vitamins and minerals. This herbaceous plant is antibacterial and antifibrile.

Mint can be used for the treatment of illness such as headache, rhinitis, cough with sore throat, colic, vomiting, etc. Mint is a good blood cleanser. It is also used as cardiac tonic in most of the pharmaceutical preparations. Mint’s antiseptic and antibacterial property makes it effective against most cases of oral infections like swollen gums, mouth ulcers and toothaches.

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Surprising Health Benefits of Mint

  • Helps in treating stomachache and chest pains. Mint leaves soaked in water to make tea can ease stomach pain and as a sleeping aid. 
  • Used to whiten teeth. Boil 6 tablespoons of Mint leaves and 2 glasses of water for 15 min. Strain the water and allow it to cool. Divide this into two portions and take each portion after 3-4 hours. This is an excellent remedy for toothaches. 
  • Crushed and bruised Mint can be used for treatment of insect bites. 
  • The strong aroma of fresh Mint leaves can stimulate brain functioning which is helpful for nausea. 
  • For headaches, crushed Mint leaves are applied on forehead and temple. 
  • For treating coughs, boil 6 tablespoons of chopped Mint leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 min. Strain the water and allow it to cool. Divide this into 3 portions and take it 3 times a day. 
  • Take some fresh Mint leaves and heat them on low flame. Pounding and applying on painful joints or muscles when it’s still warm, helps in the relief from arthritis. 
  • For a refreshing mouthwash, soak 2 tablespoons of chopped Mint leaves in 1 glass of hot water for 30 min and then strain the water. 
  • Mint is loaded with antioxidants that are excellent for abdomen. The menthol in it helps enzymes necessary for digestion. 
  • The mint extract causes a cooling effect on the hurting area, making it numb to an extent and so one can feel the pain reducing. 
  • You can also breathe in the vapors of mint extract as it calms down the nerves and gives a relaxed feeling to whole body. 
  • The anti inflammatory and anti bacterial property of Mint makes it an excellent remedy for skin with acne. The strong antioxidant in Mint leaves a natural blush on skin and also re-hydrates the skin that is dry and gloomy. 
  • Mint is very helpful in preventing skin from inflammation, patches and blackheads. It also helps in quicker removal of dry and gloomy skin. The removal of dry skin will help pores to open, allowing skin to breathe. 
  • To avoid bad breath or to kill bacteria in mouth, chew some mint leaves regularly. 
  • Mint is packed with many nutrients and so they help in improving body’s immune system. 
  • The aromatherapy from of mint extract is used to beat stress and revitalize the mind. 
  • Inhaling the fumes of mint helps in relaxing the body and soothing the mind. 
  • Mint helps in releasing small amounts of serotonin in brain that helps a person to beat stress or depression. 
  • Mint is a great remedy for expectant mothers to treat morning sickness or nausea. Eat few leaves of Mint or smelling few crushed leaves can be very helpful.

Mint is beneficial herb and we recommend you buy organic seeds and grow your plant at home.

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