Not so Known Health Benefits of Mint Herb | Pudina

Mint Leaves Mint/Pudina in Ayurveda is a herb which arouses the senses and decongests the orifices of our head. It is aromatic menthol and rich in many chemicals, vitamins and minerals. This herbaceous plant is antibacterial and antifibrile. Mint can be used for the treatment of illness such as headache, rhinitis, cough with sore throat, colic, vomiting, etc. Mint is a good blood cleanser. It is also used as cardiac tonic in most of the pharmaceutical preparations. Mint’s antiseptic and antibacterial property makes it effective against most cases of oral infections like swollen gums, mouth ulcers and toothaches. // (adsbygoogle … Continue reading Not so Known Health Benefits of Mint Herb | Pudina