High Blood Pressure Diet

High Blood Pressure Diet | DASH DIET | Hypertension

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet originated in the 1990s. DASH promotes the consumption of vegetables and fruits, lean meat and dairy products, and the inclusion of micronutrients in the menu. It also advocates the reduction of sodium in the diet to about 1500 mg/day. DASH emphasizes on consumption of minimally processed and fresh food. Continue reading High Blood Pressure Diet | DASH DIET | Hypertension

Anti-Inflammatory Food

5 Anti-Inflammatory Food to Fight Inflammation

5 Anti-Inflammatory Food that combats inflammation related diseases like heart strokes, obesity, cancer, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver includes diet rich in plant based food and controlling of refined carbohydrates from the diet. Lets understand inflammation, dietary and lifestyle changes for a healthy body. Continue reading 5 Anti-Inflammatory Food to Fight Inflammation

Mango and Ayurveda

Mango-The King of Fruits! Mango- The King of Fruits The “king of fruits” has been around for at least 6,000 years. Native to India and Burma, this sweet fruit was described in the ancient Sanskrit literature — for example, in Valmiki’s Ramayana. The mango was also the fruit of the kings in ancient India, where princes used to pride themselves on the possession of large mango gardens. Mango-Myriad Medicinal Uses Ever since the Vedic period, mangoes have been highly appreciated in ayurvedic healing and cooking. Mango trees belong to the same family as cashews and pistachios, and can grow to … Continue reading Mango and Ayurveda

Diet and Lifestyle for Rainy/Monsoon Season

Ayurveda Monsoon Guide The monsoon has come and with its advent there has been a change in your body chemistry. In this season your body undergoes a stage of aggravated pitta. Pitta, also known as fire element, is one of the three elements of your body which governs the metabolism, digestion and temperature of the body. Due to a higher amount of pitta, a sluggish digestion can be seen and you may be prone to various problems like indigestion, hyper acidity, skin rashes and other infections.Ayurveda recommends to follow different diet and lifestyle schedule in each season which helps to maintain the health.So … Continue reading Diet and Lifestyle for Rainy/Monsoon Season