Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola

Granola is a perfect breakfast food and snack food that consists of rolled oats, nuts, honey or other sweeteners such as brown sugar, and sometimes puffed rice, that is usually baked until it is crisp, toasted and golden brown. During the baking process, the mixture is stirred to maintain a loose breakfast cereal consistency.

Granola is rich in fiber and iron, while nuts and seeds add heart-healthy unsaturated fats and some protein. But along with these benefits, granola can be very high in calories, oils you don’t need, and contain scoops of sugar with healthy-sounding names. So its good you look for options which are low or no sugar granola in the market or you can try your hands making Healthy Granola at home for super health benefits.

Granola can form part of a varied and balanced diet, but it’s best to keep to the recommended portion size as granola is often high in sugar. Adding milk or natural yogurt and fresh fruit will help to create a more balanced breakfast, and will add calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Homemade Granola

Homemade granola is tastier, healthier, and cheaper than the store-bought version. Making granola in your own kitchen isn’t hard, time-consuming, or expensive. Set aside one hour every weekend to spend with a mixing bowl, a baking tray, and an oven, creating your own breakfast cereal to get you through the next week.

Homemade Granola can be stored in an airtight container, in a cool, dry spot for six months(sometimes longer). You can also freeze granola and granola bars just as you would cookies or other treats — wrapped tightly in reusable Silicone Food Bag and/or in resealable freezer bag.

Oven Baked Homemade Granola Recipe

Homemade Granola Recipe with Oven

Homemade Oats Granola Recipe – Without Oven

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