Cabbage Powerful Food
Cabbage Powerful Food

Cabbage is powerful. Cabbages are important members of the brassica family which also includes broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. These are large, round and leafy vegetables that are believed to have originated in the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Modern nutritional science understands its power comes from its high sulfur and vitamin C content. Either way – it’s worth adding this Power food to your weekly diet.

There are many different types of cabbages with different taste and uses. They include: green cabbage, Nappa cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, bok choy and brussel sprouts. They can be eaten raw or cooked and the taste varies from savoury to gently sweet. Being rich in vitamins, iron and potassium and low in calories, they are widely used in both eastern and western cuisines.

Nappa Cabbage
Red Cabbage

Bok Choy
Brussel Sprouts

Health Research On Cabbage
Cabbage can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in cabbage do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they’ve been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it’s easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw cabbage still has cholesterol-lowering ability, just not as much as steamed cabbage.

Savoy Cabbage

Cabbage in general—but also Savoy cabbage in particular—turns out to be an especially good source of sinigrin. Sinigrin is one of the cabbage glucosinolates that has received special attention in cancer prevention research. The sinigrin in cabbage can be converted into allyl-isothiocyanate, or AITC. This isothiocyanate compound has shown unique cancer preventive properties with respect to bladder cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. Researchers now realize that different types of cabbage (red, green, and Savoy) contain different patterns of glucosinolates.

New research shows that steaming is a better cooking method than microwaving if you want to maximize the health benefits of glucosinolates found in cabbage. That’s because two minutes of microwaving destroys the same amount of myrosinase enzymes as seven minutes of steaming, and you need those myrosinase enzymes to help convert cabbage’s glucosinolates into cancer-preventive compounds. Healthy Sauté method, which is recommend for cabbage, is very similar to steaming and enhances the flavor the of cabbage.

Cabbage Salad Ideal for Weight Loss

Health Benefits of Cabbage

  1. Ideal for weight loss! It is low in fat and high in fiber. It is definitely a smart carb.
  2. It is a brain food! It is full of vitamin K and anthocyanins that help with mental function and concentration. These nutrients also prevent nerve damage, improving your defense against Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. Red cabbage has the highest amount of these power nutrients.
  3. High in sulfur, the beautifying mineral. Cabbage helps dry up oily and acne skin. Internally sulfur is essential for keratin, a protein substance necessary for healthy hair, nails, and skin.
  4. Helps detoxify the body. The high content of vitamin C and sulphur in cabbage removes toxins (free radicals and uric acid); which are the main causes of arthritis, skin diseases, rheumatism and gout.
  5. Has well-known cancer preventative
    lupeol, sinigrin and sulforaphane. They stimulate enzyme activity and inhibit the growth of cancer tumors.
  6. Helps keep blood pressure from getting high. The high potassium content helps by opening up blood vessels, easing the flow of blood.
  7. Cabbage for headaches: A warm compress made with cabbage leaves can help relieve the pain of a headache. Crush cabbage leaves, place in a cloth, and apply on the forehead. Also, drink raw cabbage juice 1-2 oz. (25-50ml) daily for chronic headaches.
  8. Hangovers from heavy drinking were reduced by using cabbage, since Roman times.
  9. Anti-inflammatory and Blood Sugar Regulator. The natural red pigments of red cabbage (betalains) is said to lower blood sugar levels and boost insulin production. Of course it has no white sugars and very few simple sugars. Betalains have powerful anti-inflammatory properties just like beets.

Cabbage Caution:
Those with thyroid problems should avoid eating large amounts of cabbage. It interfere with the body’s absorption of iodine, needed by the thyroid gland. This applies to all cruciferous vegetables.

Cabbage: Skin & Hair Benefits:
Cabbage contains ‘indole-3-carbonile’ which is a powerful antioxidant that is responsible for detoxifying your liver. This is beneficial for the skin as well because it removes the toxicities, which if accumulated in the blood cause dull and blemished skin.

Regular consumption of cabbage along with some other cruciferous vegetables can provide anti-ageing benefits to the skin. The rich amount of vitamin C in this vegetable keeps the skin youthful and delays the ageing process. Moreover, vitamin A in cabbage juice works together with vitamin D to make your skin clear and healthy and avoid the destruction of skin cells due to ultraviolet rays

It has excellent skin healing properties. When used as a poultice, cabbage is effective in curing skin eruptions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes, insect bites, leg ulcers; and wounds and arthritis as well. You can prepare the poultice by grating or processing some cabbage in a blender and wrap the content mixed with some water in a cloth. Place it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. You can also crush the leaves and apply them directly on the affected areas. Regular application of this poultice as well as eating cabbage can cause excellent healing.

If you are suffering from pimples or other skin irritations, cabbage can be the solution. All you need to do is steam the upper leaves of cabbage and remove all their veins. Compress the leaves between a linen cloth and cotton to make them smooth and soft. Place the compress on the affected are over the night and experience a spotless skin next morning.

It’s juice is also excellent for improving complexion. It has potassium which is instrumental in purifying your body and skin.
Sulfur is considered as a ‘nature’s beauty mineral’. Because of its drying effect, it plays an important role in drying up oily and acne prone skin. Moreover, it is vital for keratin, a protein substance that is essential for healthy hair, nails and skin. It also helps in cleansing your blood and removing bacteria and toxins from your body.

It’s juice is extremely effective in cleansing your body as cabbages are abundant in vitamin C. If you are suffering from acne, drinking cabbage juice can help in clearing it up. Cabbage juice can also heal infected gums caused by gingivitis.

Applying a mixture of boiled cabbage and freshly squeezed lemon juice on scalp can facilitate hair growth. Mash ½ cup boiled cabbage and 1/8 cup fresh lemon juice in a blender to form a thick paste. Massage this mixture on your scalp, leave it for 30 minutes and then shampoo and condition your hair as usual. This can be done twice a day.

It nourishes your hair, thus providing you with silky, shining hair. Apply its juice on your scalp and the roots of your hair. Shampoo your hair after an hour. This will make your hair smooth and silky.

Stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Apply a mixture of 30 ml cabbage juice and 30 ml cucumber juice on your scalp and hair roots, massage thoroughly for 10-15 minutes before going to bed and wash off the next morning. This should be done thrice a week for maximum benefits.

Raw cabbage juice is also beneficial for dry hair and makes it soft and shiny. Try drinking a mixture of 80 ml raw carrot and cucumber juices and 40 ml raw cabbage juice to get healthy and beautiful hair.

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